Compact Vibrating Screens

Process comparatively small volumes of material on-site instead of disposing of it. That is the XAVA idea.

Construction and demolition waste, excavated material, green waste, etc. - there are countless jobs for screening material. Thanks to XAVA, there are also the right machines to do it. Screens were invented quite a few years ago. XAVA has made it possible for you to screen comparatively low volumes of material to save money and reduce environmental impact.

XAVA LS28 Bauschutt_rubble_1

XAVA screens are environmentally friendly: they are powered by gravity and electricity.

Coarse material falls off, fine material falls through. The screen decks mounted at an angle of precisely 18° separate material with the help of gravity and a motor operated by mains electricity or a 3-phase power supply. Quiet, emission-free and without petrol fumes.

Often copied, never close to the original.

More about our XAVA originals in our folder.

XAVA LS24 Bauschutt_rubble_1

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♻️ XAVA LS18 – Die kompakte Siebmaschine! 🔥

✅ Erde, Schotter & Bauschutt effizient aufbereiten

💪 Materialhandling leicht gemacht!
‼️ Informiere Dich 👇
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2 weeks ago

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Rüttelsieb XAVA LS16 ♻️🔝
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3 weeks ago

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Screening with the best meaning
Lots of transport costs saved
Recycling is a business with a great future, so strengthen our dealer network and become part of the XAVA family! We deliver our vibrating screens to any country in the world. Contact us anytime!